Even in the best circumstances, relationships can feel lonely and perfunctory rather than supportive and meaningful. They may trigger anxieties and unhealthy behaviors, and become fertile ground for conflict. Why?
The quality of relationship depends upon the quality of the inner personality. A developed individual finds harmony in any relationship. Learn the tools to develop your inner self so as to become a better, friend, partner, coworker, boss, and more. 

June 23 - 25, 2017
Tara Sanctuary, Topanga

Love Without Boundary


The Facilitators


Glen and Nathalie Callahan are alumni of the Vedanta Academy in India, having studied under world-renowned philosopher, author, and speaker A. Parthasarathy.  Between them, they have 16 years' experience as students, practitioners, and teachers of Vedanta philosophy.
In 2014 they moved to Los Angeles and founded Vedanta Institute Los Angeles, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading higher values education programs to the public.

More about our instructors

The Schedule


Immerse yourself in a disciplined schedule of self-study, yoga, lectures, group discussions, vegan meals, and more.  Discover the tools to cultivate authenticity in your relationships to others and yourself.  Challenge yourself intellectually, emotionally, and physically.

More about the schedule




The center sits amid 6 acres of lush mature landscapes.  Bounded by over 40 acres of  California Mountains Conservancy owned land.
Bright spacious interiors, patios, and open decks with mountain and sunset views. Secluded and private, this is a serene sanctuary for the soul...  A world away yet close to LA.  

The Curriculum


Investigate Vedanta, an ancient philosophy of India, via interactive lectures and breakout sessions.  These philosophical principles will be applied to understanding authenticity, intimacy, as well as finding the perfect balance between autonomy and communion.

More about Vedanta


Shared Bathroom
$900/$1400 per single/couple

Spacious bedroom
Shared bathroom
Group Discussions
Private Q&A sessions
Vegan meals


Private Bathroom
$1000/$1500 per single/couple

Spacious bedroom
Private bathroom
Group Discussions
Private Q&A sessions
Vegan meals



Attachment is the single biggest barrier to relationship harmony and personal growth.  Learn to differentiate love from attachment, and develop ways to rise in love.

Clarify questions from the opening session.

End the day with a relaxed light vegan meal.

Introspection is a daily practice designed to make the existing intellect available.  An alert intellect guides us towards healthier choices in life.  To learn more, including the procedural details, click here.

Arise early to make the most of the day

Derived from Atmabodha the Sanskrit composition of Adi Sankaracarya, this invocation directs us to contemplate at an early hour of the day upon the Self.

English Translation:
"Early morning, I contemplate upon Atman, the essential Self shining in the heart, which is existence, ­knowledge­, bliss, supreme goal, fourth, which constantly cognizes the waking, dream and deep sleep states. I am that indivisible Brahman, Reality and not the assemblage of elements."

One hour is given in the early morning to study Vedanta. This time is given for each individual to look within, reflect and contemplate upon the truths provided in the literature. Through daily study in the early hours of the morning, the intellect develops clarity and the mind becomes purer.

A hatha yoga class is offered to keep the body flexible and strong.

This invocation is directed to the sun. The Gayatri mantra is an appeal by the seeker to the divine Sun within to emerge from the cloud of desires and shine forth Its resplendent light.

English Translation:
“We meditate upon the adorable effulgence the divine Sun ­that may that unfold our intellects.”

“Physical fitness is conducive for spiritual development, just as fertile soil is for cultivation”

Fresh locally made vegan breakfast

Understand the role of intimacy at the various levels of human experience.  Learn to recognize healthy vs. unhealthy intimacy, and how to develop the former.

This session creates space to question the material presented thus far, and collaborate to formulate questions for further analysis in the Big Group Discussion.

Relax in beautiful surroundings with a fresh vegan lunch.

There must always be chai!

Continuing with Bhaja Govindam, Sunandaji will delve further into the motivations that guide our life.

The questions formulated in the Small Group Discussion are taken up for discussion in a larger format.

End the day with a relaxed light vegan meal.

Introspection is a daily practice designed to make the existing intellect available.  An alert intellect guides us towards healthier choices in life.  To learn more, including the procedural details, click here.

Arise early to make the most of the day

Derived from Atmabodha the Sanskrit composition of Adi Sankaracarya, this invocation directs us to contemplate at an early hour of the day upon the Self.

English Translation:
"Early morning, I contemplate upon Atman, the essential Self shining in the heart, which is existence, ­knowledge­, bliss, supreme goal, fourth, which constantly cognizes the waking, dream and deep sleep states. I am that indivisible Brahman, Reality and not the assemblage of elements."

One hour is given in the early morning to study Vedanta. This time is given for each individual to look within, reflect and contemplate upon the truths provided in the literature. Through daily study in the early hours of the morning, the intellect develops clarity and the mind becomes purer.

A hatha yoga class is offered to keep the body flexible and strong.

This invocation is directed to the sun. The Gayatri mantra is an appeal by the seeker to the divine Sun within to emerge from the cloud of desires and shine forth Its resplendent light.

English Translation:
“We meditate upon the adorable effulgence the divine Sun ­that may that unfold our intellects.”

“Physical fitness is conducive for spiritual development, just as fertile soil is for cultivation”

Fresh locally made vegan breakfast

The greatest service we can render to another is our own self-development.  Investigate the theory and practice of self-development.

A chance to review the entire module, and present any final clarifications for discussion.

More Resources


Independent Reflection

