"Whosoever with devotion offers Me a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water; that offering of the striving self I accept"
Bhagavad Gita, Ch.IX, v.26
Thank you for considering a donation to Vedanta Institute LA. We appreciate your support of our efforts to transform individuals and communities through self-development.
VILA is a tax-exempt charitable organization as per Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). (EIN: 47-3430270).
How Much Should I Give?
This is a common question from those who are wishing to contribute to VILA's cause.
It's very much dependent upon each person's situation. Look at your regular spending on other things such as other study courses, subscriptions to organizations or communities, regular exercise classes, movie-going, cafés, etc.
Assess the value of Vedanta to you and your community, and see where VILA's work seems naturally situated for you. Find an amount that you feel comfortable with, and which is given with a genuine spirit of wanting to serve your community's well-being.
All donations are received with equal gratitude!